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DevLog: SSH authentication via OAuth2

Traditionally, SSH supports authentication via a number of methods. Typically, you'd use passwords or SSH keys to log in. However, other methods are also possible: keyboard-interactive can be used to ask the connecting user a series of questions. This can be used for two factor authentication, for example. GSSAPI authentication allows for using Kerberos tokens obtained, for example, by logging into a Windows domain to be used as SSH credentials.

We broke your images šŸ˜¢

Two days ago, on March 17, 2021 around 4:30 PM UTC we pushed a change to our build system that broke the container images we published on the Docker Hub. This change resulted in the following error when running the container:

Cannot start service containerssh: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"/containerssh\": permission denied": unknown

To make matters worse, this did not only affect the most recent image, it broke all container images. The issue was reported an hour later and fixed on around noon UTC on the 18th of March, 2021.

If you are affected by this issue you can pull the fixed ContainerSSH image by pulling it:

docker pull containerssh/containerssh:<version>
podman pull containerssh/containerssh:<version>

Please set the imagePullPolicy in your pod spec to Always or switch to the image containerssh/containerssh:<version>-20200318

The <version> tag in this case should be replaced with your ContainerSSH version (e.g. 0.3.1).