Installing Kubernetes

If you develop against the kuberun backend you will need a working Kubernetes.

Docker Desktop contains a working Kubernetes. Please enable it to have a working Kubernetes setup. You can test it by running:

kubectl get nodes

For WSL we recommend setting up KinD (Kubernetes in Docker). Please read the KinD guide for getting it running.

Please create a cluster with the oldest officially supported Kubernetes to test against:

kind create cluster --image=image-url-here

You can obtain the image URL from the KinD releases section.

We recommend using KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) as a reliable way to get a Kubernetes cluster running.

Please create a cluster with the oldest officially supported Kubernetes to test against:

kind create cluster --image=image-url-here

You can obtain the image URL from the KinD releases section.


Some Linux distributions may support tiny Kubernetes distributions like k3s or microk8s, but we have managed to get consistently good results only with KinD.