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Installing the QA tools

Installing golangci-lint

We are using golangci-lint as a way to lint the code for problematic practices. We use golangci-li using the following command line:

golangci-lint run -E asciicheck -E bodyclose -E dupl -E errorlint -E exportloopref -E funlen

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the GitHub releases of golangci-lint and download the latest Linux .tar.gz.
  2. Extract the file to a directory in your path (e.g. ~/bin/go).
  3. Add executable rights to the file (e.g. chmod +x ~/bin/go/golangci-lint).
  1. Go to the GitHub releases of golangci-lint and download the latest Windows ZIP.
  2. Extract the golangci-lint.exe to your %USERPROFILE%/go/bin directory.
brew install golangci-lint
sudo port install golangci-lint
  1. Go to the GitHub releases of golangci-lint and download the latest archive for your platform.
  2. Extract the golangci-lint to the go/bin directory in your home directory.