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The road to ContainerSSH 0.4: modularized structure, audit logging, and more

November 25, 2020

After a rapid rush of releases this summer we have announced that version 0.4.0 would have a long-awaited feature: detailed audit logging. This feature would allow for a forensic reconstruction of an SSH session. The use cases for this are diverse: from building honeypots to securing a corporate environment. We even published a preview release for test driving this feature. We even implemented an automatic upload for the audit logs to an S3-compatible object storage. So, what happened? Why isn't 0.4.0 released yet?

The delay has everything to do with maintainability. The PR-1 implementation of the audit logging was built right into ContainerSSH causing a deluge of code changes. While it technically worked, it blew up the code in size and made features extremely hard to test. Look at this code, for example. The actual authentication code dwarfs in comparison to the audit logging parts. You could say, the code violates the Single Responsibility Principle. There is no way we could retrofit component-level tests into this.

When we began work on ContainerSSH we knew that the code quality was prototype-level at best and we'd have to overhaul large parts before the 1.0 release. In essence, version 0.4 became the release to make that overhaul happen. We started pulling out large parts of the codebase into independent libraries and started retrofitting them with unittests. Needless to say, moving from only having a few integration tests to writing unittests for each component unearthed a slew of bugs, which were promptly fixed.

Starting ContainerSSH with a prototyping approach wasn't a bad decision, though: it helped us getting something working fairly quickly and kept motivation high. This is especially important with a purely open source project.

Pulling everything apart into separate libraries also gave us a couple of additional advantages. We created developer documentation for each library, and we now also have the ability to extend ContainerSSH in a significant way.

ContainerSSH now has clean APIs to handle SSH events. These clean APIs allow developers to plug in additional functionality without breaking any existing features. For example, the audit log functionality is integrated in a separate repository with this approach.

Using a layered approach gives us quite a few options. One idea we are toying with is to create an SSH proxy that forwards connections to a backend SSH server. This would allow users to deploy ContainerSSH as a pure audit logging facility.

Another idea is to build in PAM authentication and enable a direct shell on the host, which would enable ContainerSSH to function as a replacement for OpenSSH with the added functionality of audit logging.

If you like these ideas please comment on the issues linked above and let us know about your use case.

So, when is 0.4 coming out? We don't know yet. Our plan is early next year, but our focus in this release is stability.