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Message codes

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This page contains all message codes logged by ContainerSSH. Some of these are errors, while others only give you status information. Many of these messages are only logged when the log level is set to debug.


Code Explanation
CORE_CONFIG_CANNOT_WRITE_FILE ContainerSSH cannot update the configuration file with the new host keys and will only use the host key for the current run.
CORE_CONFIG_ERROR ContainerSSH encountered an error in the configuration.
CORE_CONFIG_FILE ContainerSSH is reading the configuration file
CORE_HOST_KEY_GENERATION_FAILED ContainerSSH could not generate host keys and is aborting the run.
CORE_NO_HOST_KEYS The configuration does not contain host keys. ContainerSSH will attempt to generate host keys and update the configuration file.


Code Explanation
AUDIT_S3_CANNOT_CLOSE_METADATA_FILE_HANDLE ContainerSSH could not close the metadata file in the local folder. This typically happens when the local folder is on an NFS share. (This is NOT supported.)
AUDIT_S3_CLOSE_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to close an audit log file in the local directory. This usually happens when the local directory is on an NFS share. (This is NOT supported.)
AUDIT_S3_FAILED_CREATING_METADATA_FILE ContainerSSH failed to create the metadata file for the S3 upload in the local temporary directory. Check if the local directory specified is writable and has enough disk space.
AUDIT_S3_FAILED_METADATA_JSON_ENCODING ContainerSSH failed to encode the metadata file. This is a bug, please report it.
AUDIT_S3_FAILED_READING_METADATA_FILE ContainerSSH failed to read the metadata file for the S3 upload in the local temporary directory. Check if the local directory specified is readable and the files have not been corrupted.
AUDIT_S3_FAILED_STAT_QUEUE_ENTRY ContainerSSH failed to stat the queue file. This usually happens when the local directory is being manually manipulated.
AUDIT_S3_FAILED_WRITING_METADATA_FILE ContainerSSH failed to write the local metadata file. Please check if your disk has enough disk space.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_ABORTING ContainerSSH is aborting a multipart upload. Check the log message for details.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_FAILED_ABORT ContainerSSH failed aborting a multipart upload from a previously crashed ContainerSSH run.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_FAILED_LIST ContainerSSH failed to list multipart uploads on the object storage bucket. This is needed to abort uploads from a previously crashed ContainerSSH run.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_PART_UPLOADING ContainerSSH is uploading a part of an audit log to the S3-compatible object storage.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_PART_UPLOAD_COMPLETE ContainerSSH completed the upload of an audit log part to the S3-compatible object storage.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_PART_UPLOAD_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to upload a part to the S3-compatible object storage. Check the message for details.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD ContainerSSH is starting a new S3 multipart upload.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_FINALIZATION_FAILED ContainerSSH has uploaded all audit log parts, but could not finalize the multipart upload.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_FINALIZED ContainerSSH has uploaded all audit log parts and has successfully finalized the upload.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_FINALIZING ContainerSSH has uploaded all audit log parts and is now finalizing the multipart upload.
AUDIT_S3_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_INITIALIZATION_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to initialize a new multipart upload to the S3-compatible object storage. Check if the S3 configuration is correct and the provided S3 access key and secrets have permissions to start a multipart upload.
AUDIT_S3_NO_SUCH_QUEUE_ENTRY ContainerSSH was trying to upload an audit log from the metadata file, but the audit log does not exist.
AUDIT_S3_RECOVERING ContainerSSH found a previously aborted multipart upload locally and is now attempting to recover the upload.
AUDIT_S3_REMOVE_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to remove an uploaded audit log from the local directory. This usually happens on Windows when a different process has the audit log open. (This is not a supported setup.)
AUDIT_S3_SINGLE_UPLOAD ContainerSSH is uploading the full audit log in a single upload to the S3-compatible object storage. This happens when the audit log size is below the minimum size for a multi-part upload.
AUDIT_S3_SINGLE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE ContainerSSH successfully uploaded the audit log as a single upload.
AUDIT_S3_SINGLE_UPLOAD_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to upload the audit log as a single upload.


Code Explanation
AUTH ContainerSSH is trying to contact the authentication backend to verify the user credentials.
AUTH_BACKEND_ERROR The ContainerSSH authentication server responded with a non-200 status code. ContainerSSH will retry the authentication for a few times before giving up. This is most likely a bug in your authentication server, please check your logs.
AUTH_FAILED The user has provided invalid credentials and the authentication is rejected.
AUTH_INVALID_STATUS This message indicates that the authentication server returned an invalid HTTP status code.
AUTH_NOT_SUPPORTED The authentication method the client requested is not supported by ContainerSSH.
AUTH_SUCCESSFUL The user has provided the correct credentials and the authentication is accepted.


Code Explanation
BACKEND_CONFIG_ERROR The backend retreived from the configuration server is invalid. See the error message for details.


Code Explanation
CONFIG_BACKEND_ERROR ContainerSSH has received an invalid response from the configuration server or the network connection broke. ContainerSSH will retry fetching the user-specific configuration until the timeout. If this error persists check the connectivity to the configuration server, or the logs of the configuration server itself to find out of there may be a specific error.
CONFIG_INVALID_STATUS_CODE ContainerSSH has received a non-200 response code when calling a per-user backend configuration from the configuration server.
CONFIG_REQUEST ContainerSSH is sending a quest to the configuration server to obtain a per-user backend configuration.
CONFIG_RESPONSE ContainerSSH has received a per-user backend configuration from the configuration server.
CONFIG_SERVER_AVAILABLE The ContainerSSH configuration server is now available at the specified address.


Code Explanation
DOCKER_AGENT_READ_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to read from the ContainerSSH agent. This is most likely because the ContainerSSH guest agent is not present in the guest image, but agent support is enabled.
DOCKER_CLOSE_INPUT_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module attempted to close the input (stdin) for reading but failed to do so.
DOCKER_CLOSE_OUTPUT_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module attempted to close the output (stdout and stderr) for writing but failed to do so.
DOCKER_CONFIG_ERROR The ContainerSSH Docker module detected a configuration error. Please check your configuration.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_ATTACH The ContainerSSH Docker module is attaching to a container in session mode.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_ATTACH_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to attach to a container in session mode.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_CREATE The ContainerSSH Docker module is creating a container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_CREATE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to create a container. This may be a temporary and retried or a permanent error message. Check the log message for details.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_REMOVE The ContainerSSH Docker module os removing the container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_REMOVE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module could not remove the container. This message may be temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_REMOVE_SUCCESSFUL The ContainerSSH Docker module has successfully removed the container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_SHUTTING_DOWN The ContainerSSH Docker module is shutting down a container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_SIGNAL The ContainerSSH Docker module is sending a signal to the container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_SIGNAL_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to send a signal to the container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_START The ContainerSSH Docker module is starting the previously-created container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_START_FAILED The ContainerSSH docker module failed to start the container. This message can either be temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_STOP The ContainerSSH Docker module is stopping the container.
DOCKER_CONTAINER_STOP_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to stop the container. This message can be either temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
DOCKER_EXEC The ContainerSSH Docker module is creating an execution. This may be in connection mode, or it may be the module internally using the exec mechanism to deliver a payload into the container.
DOCKER_EXEC_ATTACH The ContainerSSH Docker module is attaching to the previously-created execution.
DOCKER_EXEC_ATTACH_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module could not attach to the previously-created execution.
DOCKER_EXEC_CREATE The ContainerSSH Docker module is creating an execution.
DOCKER_EXEC_CREATE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to create an execution. This can be temporary and retried or permanent. See the error message for details.
DOCKER_EXEC_PID_READ_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to read the process ID from the ContainerSSH Guest Agent. This is most likely because the guest image does not contain the guest agent, but guest agent support has been enabled.
DOCKER_EXEC_RESIZE The ContainerSSH Docker module is resizing the console.
DOCKER_EXEC_RESIZE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to resize the console.
DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL The ContainerSSH Docker module is delivering a signal in container mode.
DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to deliver a signal.
DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_AGENT The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to deliver a signal because ContainerSSH Guest Agent support is disabled.
DOCKER_EXEC_SIGNAL_SUCCESSFUL The ContainerSSH Docker module successfully delivered the requested signal.
DOCKER_EXIT_CODE The ContainerSSH Docker module is fetching the exit code from the program.
DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_CONTAINER_RESTARTING The ContainerSSH Docker module could not fetch the exit code from the program because the container is restarting. This is typically a misconfiguration as ContainerSSH containers should not automatically restart.
DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module has failed to fetch the exit code of the program.
DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_NEGATIVE The ContainerSSH Docker module has received a negative exit code from Docker. This should never happen and is most likely a bug.
DOCKER_EXIT_CODE_STILL_RUNNING The ContainerSSH Docker module could not fetch the program exit code because the program is still running. This error may be temporary and retried or permanent.
DOCKER_GUEST_AGENT_DISABLED The ContainerSSH Guest Agent has been disabled, which is strongly discouraged. ContainerSSH requires the guest agent to be installed in the container image to facilitate all SSH features. Disabling the guest agent will result in breaking the expectations a user has towards an SSH server. We provide the ability to disable guest agent support only for cases where the guest agent binary cannot be installed in the image at all.
DOCKER_IMAGE_LISTING The ContainerSSH Docker module is listing the locally present container images to determine if the specified container image needs to be pulled.
DOCKER_IMAGE_LISTING_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to list the images present in the local Docker daemon. This is used to determine if the image needs to be pulled. This can be because the Docker daemon is not reachable, the certificate is invalid, or there is something else interfering with listing the images.
DOCKER_IMAGE_PULL The ContainerSSH Docker module is pulling the container image.
DOCKER_IMAGE_PULL_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to pull the specified container image. This can be because of connection issues to the Docker daemon, or because the Docker daemon itself can't pull the image. If you don't intend to have the image pulled you should set the ImagePullPolicy to Never. See the Docker documentation for details.
DOCKER_IMAGE_PULL_NEEDED_CHECKING The ContainerSSH Docker module is checking if an image pull is needed.
DOCKER_PROGRAM_ALREADY_RUNNING The ContainerSSH Docker module can't execute the request because the program is already running. This is a client error.
DOCKER_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_PID The ContainerSSH Docker module can't deliver a signal because no PID has been recorded. This is most likely because guest agent support is disabled.
DOCKER_STREAM_INPUT_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to stream stdin to the Docker engine.
DOCKER_STREAM_OUTPUT_FAILED The ContainerSSH Docker module failed to stream stdout and stderr from the Docker engine.
DOCKER_SUBSYSTEM_NOT_SUPPORTED The ContainerSSH Docker module is not configured to run the requested subsystem.


Code Explanation
HTTP_CLIENT_CONNECTION_FAILED This message indicates a connection failure on the network level.
HTTP_CLIENT_DECODE_FAILED This message indicates that decoding the JSON response has failed. The status code is set for this code.
HTTP_CLIENT_ENCODE_FAILED This message indicates that JSON encoding the request failed. This is usually a bug.
HTTP_CLIENT_REDIRECT This message indicates that the server responded with a HTTP redirect.
HTTP_CLIENT_REDIRECTS_DISABLED This message indicates that ContainerSSH is not following a HTTP redirect sent by the server. Use the allowRedirects option to allow following HTTP redirects.
HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST This message indicates that a HTTP request is being sent from ContainerSSH
HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE This message indicates that ContainerSSH received a HTTP response from a server.
HTTP_SERVER_ENCODE_FAILED The HTTP server failed to encode the response object. This is a bug, please report it.
HTTP_SERVER_RESPONSE_WRITE_FAILED The HTTP server failed to write the response.


Code Explanation
KUBERNETES_CLOSE_OUTPUT_FAILED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module attempted to close the output (stdout and stderr) for writing but failed to do so.
KUBERNETES_CONFIG_ERROR The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module detected a configuration error. Please check your configuration.
KUBERNETES_EXEC The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is creating an execution. This may be in connection mode, or it may be the module internally using the exec mechanism to deliver a payload into the pod.
KUBERNETES_EXEC_RESIZE The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is resizing the terminal window.
KUBERNETES_EXEC_RESIZE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to resize the console.
KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is delivering a signal.
KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to deliver a signal.
KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_AGENT The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to deliver a signal because guest agent support is disabled.
KUBERNETES_EXEC_SIGNAL_SUCCESSFUL The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module successfully delivered the requested signal.
KUBERNETES_EXIT_CODE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module has failed to fetch the exit code of the program.
KUBERNETES_GUEST_AGENT_DISABLED The ContainerSSH Guest Agent has been disabled, which is strongly discouraged. ContainerSSH requires the guest agent to be installed in the pod image to facilitate all SSH features. Disabling the guest agent will result in breaking the expectations a user has towards an SSH server. We provide the ability to disable guest agent support only for cases where the guest agent binary cannot be installed in the image at all.
KUBERNETES_PID_RECEIVED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module has received a PID from the Kubernetes guest agent.
KUBERNETES_POD_ATTACH The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is attaching to a pod in session mode.
KUBERNETES_POD_CREATE The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is creating a pod.
KUBERNETES_POD_CREATE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to create a pod. This may be a temporary and retried or a permanent error message. Check the log message for details.
KUBERNETES_POD_REMOVE The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is removing a pod.
KUBERNETES_POD_REMOVE_FAILED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module could not remove the pod. This message may be temporary and retried or permanent. Check the log message for details.
KUBERNETES_POD_REMOVE_SUCCESSFUL The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module has successfully removed the pod.
KUBERNETES_POD_SHUTTING_DOWN The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is shutting down a pod.
KUBERNETES_POD_WAIT The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is waiting for the pod to come up.
KUBERNETES_POD_WAIT_FAILED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module failed to wait for the pod to come up. Check the error message for details.
KUBERNETES_PROGRAM_ALREADY_RUNNING The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module can't execute the request because the program is already running. This is a client error.
KUBERNETES_PROGRAM_NOT_RUNNING This message indicates that the user requested an action that can only be performed when a program is running, but there is currently no program running.
KUBERNETES_SIGNAL_FAILED_EXITED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module can't deliver a signal because the program already exited.
KUBERNETES_SIGNAL_FAILED_NO_PID The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module can't deliver a signal because no PID has been recorded. This is most likely because guest agent support is disabled.
KUBERNETES_SUBSYSTEM_NOT_SUPPORTED The ContainerSSH Kubernetes module is not configured to run the requested subsystem.
KUBERUN_DEPRECATED This message indicates that you are still using the deprecated KubeRun backend. This backend doesn't support all safety and functionality improvements and will be removed in the future. Please read the deprecation notice for a migration guide
KUBERUN_EXEC_DISABLED This message indicates that the user tried to execute a program, but program execution is disabled in the legacy KubeRun configuration.
KUBERUN_INSECURE This message indicates that you are using Kubernetes in the "insecure" mode where certificate verification is disabled. This is a major security flaw, has been deprecated and is removed in the new Kubernetes backend. Please change your configuration to properly validates the server certificates.


Code Explanation
LOG_FILE_OPEN_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to open the specified log file.
LOG_ROTATE_FAILED ContainerSSH cannot rotate the logs as requested because of an underlying error.
LOG_WRITE_FAILED ContainerSSH cannot write to the specified log file. This usually happens because the underlying filesystem is full or the log is located on a non-local storage (e.g. NFS), which is not supported.
TEST This is message that should only be seen in unit and component tests, never in production.
UNKNOWN_ERROR This is an untyped error. If you see this in a log that is a bug and should be reported.


Code Explanation
METRICS_AVAILABLE The metrics service is now online and ready for service.


Code Explanation
SECURITY_ENV_REJECTED ContainerSSH rejected setting the environment variable because it does not pass the security settings.
SECURITY_EXEC_FAILED_SETENV Program execution failed in conjunction with the forceCommand option because ContainerSSH could not set the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND environment variable on the backend.
SECURITY_EXEC_FORCING_COMMAND ContainerSSH is replacing the command passed from the client (if any) to the specified command and is setting the SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND environment variable.
SECURITY_EXEC_REJECTED A program execution request has been rejected because it doesn't conform to the security settings.
SECURITY_SHELL_REJECTED ContainerSSH rejected launching a shell due to the security settings.
SECURITY_SIGNAL_REJECTED ContainerSSH rejected delivering a signal because it does not pass the security settings.
SECURITY_SUBSYSTEM_REJECTED ContainerSSH rejected the subsystem because it does pass the security settings.
SECURITY_TTY_REJECTED ContainerSSH rejected the pseudoterminal request because of the security settings.


Code Explanation
SERVICE_CRASHED A ContainerSSH has stopped improperly.
SERVICE_POOL_RUNNING All ContainerSSH services are now running.
SERVICE_POOL_STARTING All ContainerSSH services are starting.
SERVICE_POOL_STOPPED ContainerSSH has stopped all services.
SERVICE_POOL_STOPPING ContainerSSH is stopping all services.
SERVICE_RUNNING A ContainerSSH service is now running
SERVICE_STARTING ContainerSSH is starting a component service
SERVICE_STOPPED A ContainerSSH service has stopped.
SERVICE_STOPPING A ContainerSSH service is now stopping.


Code Explanation
SSH_ALREADY_RUNNING The SSH server is already running and has been started again. This is a bug, please report it.
SSH_AUTH_FAILED The user has provided invalid credentials.
SSH_AUTH_SUCCESSFUL The user has provided valid credentials and is now authenticated.
SSH_AUTH_UNAVAILABLE The user has requested an authentication method that is currently unavailable.
SSH_AVAILABLE The SSH service is now online and ready for service.
SSH_BACKEND_REJECTED_HANDSHAKE The backend has rejected the connecting user after successful authentication.
SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST The user has send a new channel-specific request.
SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_FAILED ContainerSSH couldn't fulfil the channel-specific request.
SSH_CHANNEL_REQUEST_SUCCESSFUL ContainerSSH has successfully processed the channel-specific request.
SSH_CONNECTED A user has connected over SSH.
SSH_DECODE_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to decode something from the user. This is either a bug in ContainerSSH or in the connecting client.
SSH_DISCONNECTED An SSH connection has been severed.
SSH_EXIT ContainerSSH is sending the exit code of the program to the user.
SSH_EXIT_CODE_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to obtain and send the exit code of the program to the user.
SSH_EXIT_SIGNAL ContainerSSH is sending the exit signal from an abnormally exited program to the user.
SSH_HANDSHAKE_FAILED The connecting party failed to establish a secure SSH connection. This is most likely due to invalid credentials or a backend error.
SSH_HANDSHAKE_SUCCESSFUL The user has provided valid credentials and has now established an SSH connection.
SSH_LISTEN_CLOSE_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to close the listen socket.
SSH_NEW_CHANNEL A user has established a new SSH channel. (Not connection!)
SSH_NEW_CHANNEL_REJECTED The user has requested a new channel to be opened, but was rejected.
SSH_REPLY_SEND_FAILED ContainerSSH couldn't send the reply to a request to the user. This is usually the case if the user suddenly disconnects.
SSH_START_FAILED ContainerSSH failed to start the SSH service. This is usually because of invalid configuration.
SSH_UNSUPPORTED_CHANNEL_TYPE The user requested a channel type that ContainerSSH doesn't support (e.g. TCP/IP forwarding).
SSH_UNSUPPORTED_GLOBAL_REQUEST The users client has send a global request ContainerSSH does not support. This is nothing to worry about.