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Audit logging

ContainerSSH contains an audit logging facility that can log every interaction happening over SSH. This functionality is disabled by default as it has serious security and privacy implications, as well as severe resource requirements.

Audit logging can be enabled in the configuration using the following structure:

  enable: true
  format: none|binary|asciinema # Which format to log in. Defaults to none.
  storage: none|s3|file        # Where to write audit log. Defaults to none.
    stdin: true|false          # Intercept keystrokes from user
    stdout: true|false         # Intercept standard output
    stderr: true|false         # Intercept standard error
    passwords: true|false      # Intercept passwords during authentication

Audit logging is a powerful tool. It can capture the following events.

  • Connections
  • Authentication attempts, optionally with credentials
  • Global and channel-specific SSH requests
  • Programs launched from SSH
  • Input from the user (optional)
  • Output and errors to the user (optional)

The events recorded depend on the chosen format. With the audit format all information is recorded with nanosecond timing, so events can be accurately reconstructed after the fact.

About interceptions

The intercept options give you a wide range of options when it comes to detailed logging of actions by users. You may want to, for example, enable stdout logging while keeping stdin disabled to avoid accidentally capturing passwords typed into the console.

However, this approach may fail if SFTP is enabled as you will fail to capture binaries uploaded to the server. Audit logging should therefore be enjoyed with great care and the logs should always be stored on an encrypted storage device.

Log formats

The binary format is intended for an accurate reconstruction of everything happening during an SSH session. It allows for accurate reconstruction of what happened during the session.

Audit logs are stored in a compressed binary format and can be decoded to a series of JSON messages using the containerssh-auditlog-decoder supplied as part of the ContainerSSH release. Alternatively, you can implement your own decoder. We are providing a Go library for decoding audit log messages.

This format can be decoded using the containerssh-auditlog-decoder application supplied with ContainerSSH.

The asciinema format

The asciinema format stores logs in a format suitable for replay in the Asciinema player.


Make sure you enable the stdout and stderr interceptions otherwise the asciinema encoder won't capture anything.


Asciinema is intended for entertainment purposes only and doesn't store all relevant information required for an accurate audit log.

Storage backends

The S3 storage sends the logs to an S3-compatible object storage for long term storage. This is the recommended way of storing audit logs because it is a server-independent storage device that supports permissions.

The S3 storage stores the logs in a local directory and uploads them once an upload part is full (default: 5MB) or the connection closes. If the upload fails, ContainerSSH will retry the upload as soon as possible. If ContainerSSH is stopped and restarted it will attempt to upload the audit logs still in the local directory, but no guarantee is made that these logs will not be corrupt after a crash.


The local directory should be stored on a persistent storage and must not be shared between ContainerSSH instances. It must be large enough to host all sessions in their entirety that are currently running. When IO interception is enabled and your users are downloading or uploading large amounts of data this can run you up to several GB of storage needed locally. We recommend turning off IO interception for cases where large amounts of data are being transferred.

The S3 storage can be configured as follows:

  storage: s3
    local: /local/storage/directory
    accessKey: "your-access-key-here"
    secretKey: "your-secret-key-here"
    bucket: "your-existing-bucket-name-here"
    region: "your-region-name-here"
    endpoint: "https://your-custom-s3-url" # Optional
    uploadPartSize: 5242880 # In bytes, min: 5MB, max: 5GB
    acl: "public-read" # Optional, in case you want to set an ACL
      username: true # Expose username via S3 metadata. Defaults to false.
      ip: true # Expose IP address via S3 metadata. Defaults to false.
    cacert: | # Optional
      Your trusted CA certificate in PEM format here for your S3 server.


You can restrict the access key permissions to PutObject, CreateMultipartUpload, UploadPart, CompleteMultipartUpload, ListMultipartUploads, and AbortMultipartUpload. Other permissions are not required.


You may also want to investigate if your S3 provider supports WORM / object locking, object lifecycles, or server side encryption for compliance.

The file storage

The file storage writes audit logs to files on the disk. The storage location can be configured using the following option:

  type: file
    directory: /var/log/audit