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Connection Forwarding

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This page details setting up connection forwarding for ContainerSSH. Connection forwarding works by having the ContainerSSH agent act as the proxy when a connection forwarding is placed. Connection forwarding comes in multiple flavours: You can ask for the listening end to be either on the client or inside the container, and respectively you can choose listen from a ip:port combo or a named/unix socket and send to either an ip:port combo or a named socket. Additionally, the direct forward option is also supported which enables the usage of the SOCKS proxy support in OpenSSH. Finally, X11 forwarding is also supported.

Supported clients

We have tested the following clients and know them to work:

  • OpenSSH


Forwarding is disabled by default, you can enable it via the security settings. Currently only enable/disable directives are supported, no filtering rules. In order for specific ports to be forwarded, or a specific forwarding function please consult the documentation of your SSH Client.

In order to enable all forwarding functionality the following config can be used:

        reverseForwardingMode: enable
        forwardingMode: enable
        socketForwardingMode: enable
        socketListenMode: enable
        x11ForwardingMode: enable
  • The reverseForwardingMode setting how to treat reverse port forwarding requests from the container to the client.
  • The forwardingMode setting configures how to treat port forwarding requests from the client to the container. Enabling this setting also allows using ContainerSSH as a SOCKs proxy.
  • The socketForwardingMode setting configures how to treat connection requests from the client to a unix socket in the container.
  • The socketListenMode setting configures how to treat requests to listen for connections to a unix socket in the container.
  • The x11ForwardingMode setting configures how to treat X11 forwarding requests from the container to the client